- Kentucky
- Cb Tuning Manuals Central Kentucky International Cb Club 7
- Central Kentucky Technical College
The information on this page is an updated, online version of our former CB SOURCES SUPPLY LIST. Please remember though, businesses move and change contact information all the time. If you find incorrect data, do a Web search to see if you can find more current info for the company. And please contact us so we can update this list for other CBers!
- CATEGORIES (These are bookmarked; you can jump directly to them):
About the 700 club WATCH NOW Hosted by Pat Robertson, Gordon Robertson, and Terry Meeuwsen, with news anchor John Jessup, The 700 Club is a mix of news and commentary, interviews, feature stories, and Christian ministry. Bob's CB Shop is a full service CB and 10 Meter radio shop catering to both the trucking industry and hobbyist alike The largest stocking radio and accessory dealer in the area Now stocking cell phone amplifiers and accessories, JL Audio, SiriusXM, Delphi, Pioneer, and Panasonic Sales, Service and Installation Over 51 years experience selling.
These great, totally FREE electronics courses are available at:
www electronics-tutorials.com/site-tree.htm
2833 Lyndale Ave. S. STE 316
Minneapolis, MN 5540
TEL (763) 200-1157
These are FREE and online to fit your convenience. Separate modules for each subject so you
can quickly choose only those that meet your needs. Most of these modules were written by
an Australian Ham, Ian. C. Purdie, VK2TIP. His writing style is much like Lou Franklin's books, i.e.,
plain English, easy to read and understand even for novices. Highly recommended!
Celebrating 36 years of service to CBers around the world!
Read our Web pages in SPANISH, GERMAN, FRENCH, ITALIAN, PORTUGUESE & other languages with Altavista's Babel Fish translation site! Click here to try it out!
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Welcome, CB radio hobbyists! Since 1976 we’ve been the leader in CB Radio books, plans, kits, modifications, & technical information. We specialize in unique, hard-to-find performance options for Citizens Band, 10-Meter, & HF radios.
The “Screwdriver Expert’s” Guide (239Kb ZIPped PDF)
The CB PLL DATA Book (136Kb ZIPped PDF)
Understanding & Repairing CB Radios (866Kb ZIPped PDF)
About the author (Lou Franklin)
Dynamic Speech Processor Kit | Tripower Broadband Linear RF Amplifier |
All About How Audio Speech Clipping Works | Click here for Schematic Diagram |
Specific Power & Modulation Tweaks for PLL CBs.
Straight from Appendix F of our 'Screwdriver Expert's Guide', this lists thousands of CB radios alphabetically by the PLL chip they use. Find your CB model in the list and you'll see exactly which coils, controls, or parts to tweak for maximum RF power output and modulation.
The GALAXY & RANGER Service Manual, Second Edition.
We've expanded this popular book to include tech details on even more models.
FREE DOWNLOAD!Secrets of Broadbanding
You just modified that CB to expand its frequency range. But it doesn't want to tune more than a few channels up or down from the FCC band without quitting. This illustrated reference includes many broadbanding tricks used by the pros to cover more frequencies. You won't find this information anywhere else!
Mike Wiring Guide.
Need to rewire a mike or add a power mike? We tell you exactly how to do it. Find out the functions of each mike socket pin or mike cable wire, cure squeals, etc.
CB Crystal Mixing Charts (each 20K PDF).
Includes 95% of all mobile & base crystal-synthesized CBs! Use these 36 charts to figure out those 'dead channel' or 'dead channel group' symptoms in the older models, or figure your own new frequencies for modifications. Download and print for a handy reference!
Channel & Frequency Chart (14Kb PDF).
Free 1-page download covers Ch.1–40 in standard band, plus 7 other bands, 4 down and 3 up. Total range shown is 25.165–28.755 MHz.
The CB EPROM DATA BOOK by Martin Pickering(948KB PDF)
Learn advanced frequency modifications using these amazing programmable chips. This 60-page manual picks up where THE CB PLL DATA BOOK leaves off. Even includes PC board artwork to make your own modification circuits for many popular PLL chips. The EPROM book's now out of print, and this free download is the only way to learn about this subject!
Please browse this Web site or download our paper catalog in Acrobat .PDF (633Kb) or Word .DOC (1Mb) for the kind of unusual CB radio stuff you just won’t find anywhere else. We specialize in technical information and high-performance accessories for CB radios. Our products include books, plans, kits, and modification info for CB and 10 Meter Ham operators. Over 100,000 copies of our do-it-yourself books have been sold around the world since 1976. The giant 370-page tech manual UNDERSTANDING & REPAIRING CB RADIOS is already in most city libraries around the U.S., and is referenced in the Grolier CD-ROM encyclopedia. Find out why!
FREE!SAMS CB Fotofacts® Model Index Plus, including over 30 years worth of unlisted and little known model data from our own files. Over 1700 CBs. See if the tech info you need to maintain & repair those older radios is still available. Print the list for a handy reference!
All orders include a current paper catalog of everything we offer. If you'd rather study the paper catalog before ordering, please download and print the PDF version above, or send $3 (USA & Canada) or $6 (Air Mail all other countries) to cover mailing costs. See the 'Contact Us' link.
Complete CB Specialties catalog (633Kb in Acrobat .PDF)
Complete CB Specialties catalog (1Mb in Microsoft Word .DOC)
Order Form only from catalog (39Kb in Acrobat PDF)
Order Form only in plain text (9Kb ASCII)
Need the Acrobat PDF reader? It's one of the most important Net programs there is! Click here.
Cb Tuning Manuals Central Kentucky International Cb Club 7
Central Kentucky Technical College
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