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Chapter 1527: Intense Battle Beneath the Earth! (II) Translated by: Hypersheep325. Edited by: Michyrr. The Eternal Spring Stellar Energy rapidly revitalized the Righteous Alliance experts to peak condition, at the same time healing their wounds. A few seconds later, the formations of the Righteous Alliance clashed with the men in. Directed by Montgomery Tully. With Kerwin Mathews, Viviane Ventura, Robert Ayres, Peter Arne. A Chinese general goes berserk and has a system of tunnels dug all the way from China to USA, under the Pacific Ocean. The man who has discovered this is locked up because they think he is insane. US Navy soldiers go underground to repel the invaders.
'Battle Beneath the Earth.' VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever. . 13 Jan. 2021 <>.
'Battle Beneath the Earth.' VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever. . (January 13, 2021).
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'Battle Beneath the Earth.' VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever. . Retrieved January 13, 2021 from
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