Mrs. Ingram's Class Websiteblog

Information and Policies for Mrs. Ingram’s Second Grade Class

Birthdays: We would love to celebrate your child’s birthday! Please let me know in advance when you plan to send special treats. Please send cookies or cupcakes (no items that have to be cut, unless you are planning to attend). If you would like to send drinks, please send individual box drinks or juices.

Daily Folders: A folder will be sent home each day with your child. Homework and other important papers will be inside. If you have any questions or notes for me, please send them in the daily folder. Remember that homework must be completed, initialed and returned the next day in order to receive full credit. It is your child’s responsibility to turn in his or her homework each day.

Mrs ingramIngram

Mrs. Ingram's Class Website Blog Page

Create a picture collage to introduce yourself to Mrs. Ingram and the class. Your collage can only include pictures and symbols - no words or letters. Review class syllabus. Syllabus7thgradeela.doc Wednesday 1. In your Do Now notebook, respond to the following in 3-5 sentences: How do you get to know a person? This page was created to help parents keep up to date with the goings-on of our class! Here you can find upcoming events, what we're learning about, important dates.

Elementary Class Website

Thank you for visiting our class website. I hope you find some helpful resources in our little space. Please feel free to message or email me with any questions:). Ingram's fourth grade class. I am very excited about this year and working with each and every student and parent - most of you, for the second year in a row! If you ever have any questions, feel free to contact me via e-mail or school phone at any time. Ingram For technical questions and comments regarding this website, including accessibility concerns, please contact the Webmaster.

Mrs. Ingram's Class Website Blog Builder

Friday Folders: A weekly folder will be sent home on Friday containing graded papers. Please remove papers, and return the folder on Monday morning. If you have any questions regarding your child’s performance, you may write me a note, send an email or schedule a conference.