PS–21 Second Spring Institute Day 2014- 2015: Teaching Physical Science Friday, March 13, 2015 at theUniversity of Alabama, 3408 SEC, Tuscaloosa AL 8:30 am: Registration, Coffee, Agenda, Institute surveys, and PS-21. Another recommended changing undergraduate introductory science classes to include 21st century skills, as a model for future science teachers. Windschitl responded that changing undergraduate science courses would require a major reorganization of the curriculum, along with retraining of faculty members and other instructors. PS21 was incorporated as a UK company on August 28, 2014, and is currently is the process of registering with the UK charity commission. It also plans to register as a US nonprofit in the coming.
Meet Project for the Study of the 21st Century, a new think tank that has just opened up shop in Washington, DC. Here is how it describes itself:Another recommended changing undergraduate introductory science classes to include 21st century skills, as a model for future science teachers. Windschitl responded that changing undergraduate science.
The initial concept is very simple. It will build out a global network of people with a unique range of insights and backgrounds. It will use them to generate content, events, and discussions both on the events of the day and the larger questions of the 21st Century.
In the very short term, that means producing a small number of tightly focused eBooks over the next few months and using them to also generate some great discussions, events and smaller articles.
It should, hopefully, serve the interests of all of those involved. For its membership, it gives new ways to build branding and engage in new conversations with new contacts. For its growing and enthusiastic intern base, it provides the opportunity to get involved in a variety of activities with a range of other contributors and help build an institution from the ground up.
PS21 was incorporated as a UK company on August 28, 2014, and is currently is the process of registering with the UK charity commission. It also plans to register as a US nonprofit in the coming weeks.
On October 1 the brand new think tank will be holding a reception. It is also seeking interns.
Day 1 Physical Science In 21st Century (ps21)
Washington, DC currently has 395 think tanks, and even more will likely appear by year's end.
Day 1 Physical Science In 21st Century (ps21) Science
Update: Initial seed funding (10,000 pounds) for the think tank, which formally launched in January 2015, was provided by the Peter Michael Apps Personal Injury Trust.